
Lookin' My activity's offsprings through. And sensinna Thruth. 

797 / 0 / 15 лет
Had self-teasin' listenin' Ma all minuses through today.
Am ready bet that i had then fizzle-crap at the nape.
Was I insane when I made this in a next lap of a self-claim?
Even well-helm couldn't keep an ears out of been drained
fully in a faint my brain been truly at this day.
Guess I gotta sameness in ass and it's in it's slaving grave
Ma safity's feelin' swiftly decreased as it's fake
waits for a gay-snake-packer at the end of a job-day.
Then i've read Ma rhymes after this truthfull slap.
Doodle-do brat with wooden head would do that crap
more ass-wool liftin' and realy mad-better in fact.
But what is better in fact? Snappin' a prattle in Rap,
been admired till ass-fire and rattle in acts?
Or fire a nest of twaddle and toddle over this mess
in ass, in head. This led Me to role of a fat
and self-glad rubberneck is just in the less in the fact.