11 лет

Ольга Матвийчук - Your Name

381 28%
Над треком работали
DJ Barneo (Germany), Mrs Wolfy, RockMeister
For thousand years in the clouds of grayness
I’ve been looking for you in the shadows of night
And then you appeared, the one of the saneness
From thousand years bringing darkness to light.
The night of your dreams transforming to ashes
To smoking cigars wiping out the shine
Please tell me the truth which is out and flashes
Please tell me the truth or show me a sign

Your name comes along to meeting the sunrise
Your name comes along to see the sunset
Your name is a rain falling down in silence
The secrets of stars whispering t?te-?-t?te.

For thousand years the lights were silent
And I couldn’t hear, couldn’t hear your name.
Cry out again! We are deaf, make it violent
For thousand years it was only my shame.
The shame of the world and the lonely traces
Will all disappear washed out by the rain.
Please tell me the truth and show me your faces
Please tell me the truth and whisper your name.