11 лет


Над треком работали

The mammal extending a virus to,
Appokaliptichessky scale, a creature.
It is capable to do much harm,
Not understanding an essence of the life

Rat, a harmless being, among the other.
But, it are afraid as a doomsday.
In what the reason of internal fear
Seeing nearby such existence as a rodent
Attempt to kill the tiny favourite
To smear, crush, as cockroach
Running by an animal, surviving,
Easier to get meal for next day

Stay in a skin of an animal, which
In fifty times it is less than you growth
Feel as the fear on your skin runs,
As your tiny muscles in spasms
After death when you will die,
There will be a reincarnation you,
You will understand, how it to appear inside,
Who searches to itself for meal on every day

We and they are made of one flesh,
The life there is less, the it was created earlier,
As it is not strange, but at rats
More strongly will to a survival