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Psalm 1 solo bass singing

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Краткое описание
Psalm 1, Jazz
Краткое описание
Psalm 1, Jazz
Над треком работали
Andrey Luchnik - Vladimir Smirnov
Автор музыки
Andrey Luchnik, Vladimir Smirnov
Автор текста
Andrey Luchnik
Jazz This is cumulative translation from Phoenician, Aramaic, Egyptian and other languages revealed on clay tablets found in excavations during XX century. This psalm can also be heard in men's choir in Russian: Scores for men's and mixed choir in English are also available, because texts are equirhithmic.
История создания
Tell you later
Andrey Luchnik
Psalm 1

1 He is blessed who passes the den of the wicked,
He would never be trapped by the gossip and gab,
2 Word of God is a fortress for man of commitment:
Novel day makes profound his faith in its depth.

3 His prosperity grows like a tree by the water,
His maturity grows and ripens like fruit.
Leaves on the wealthy tree neither wither nor fall down -
It resists the disaster by firmness of root.

4 But the opposite will be the way of the evil.
They resemble the chaff that is blown by the wind.
5 Their lot is defeat and is never forgiven,
6 Their devious way will be stopped and dismissed.

Ancient poetry, unlike prose, was distinguished by repeating the one and the same meaning more than 2-3 times in the same masterpiece with some negligible variations, often inverted sense repeats (line 6 in original Psalm 1, for example).
Reduction of sense repeats made in SENSIBLE translation is designated by more than one figure to the left of the ordered line. Without reduction of some repeats it would be incomprehensible for modern ear.
Reduction of repeats within one line is not designated in numbering, but can be analyzed in comparative studies of the originals. Sometimes comprehensive repeating "motifs" were not reduced, even though were enhanced for more meaningful understanding.

The numbering of lines is according to Septuagint (in this Psalm it coincides with Masoret text also coincident with Orthodox and Catholic numbering).