7 лет

Cursed By Bonethrone. Part 2

10 20%
Краткое описание
Чистый вокал - Владимир Кудрявцев
Краткое описание
Чистый вокал - Владимир Кудрявцев
Автор музыки
Евгений Пильников
Автор текста
Евгений Пильников
The streams of life - a clenched fist,
They crawl throuth the flowing dust.
Down, to the threshold of night,
Under the forest and mountains porch.

The shapes are melting, the faces twist,
A storm is born in the skies
Omnipotence became powerless,
The sword crashed down on the stairs.

He collapsed from fear,
Fell in the ashes of his troops.
Down, away from darkness,
But it embraces him.

The streams of life - a clenched fist,
The tower's glass tears my face.
It hits the ground, into the dark,
It embraces my remains...

And takes away into the depths. I am cursed.
A black ravens storm, on the wings of night
Raises my soul into an eternity of ash,
Under the weight of sin, it withers away...