6 лет

05 Criminal Guy 13

20 30%
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Краткое описание
непослушным тинэйджерам посвящается...
Над треком работали
Dmitry Zubritsky, Акоп Огмрцян, Карен Степанян, Татьяна Солоп, Андрей Степанов, Николай Филиппов
Автор музыки
Dmitry Zubritsky
Автор текста
Dmitry Zubritsky
Крайне проблемный подросток заканчивает свою никчёмную жизнь в 13 лет на электрическом стуле
История создания
Работа в школе оказала своё влияние на творчество)
cab [22]
Criminal Guy of 13
1st verse
Hah, Hah!
It was the greatest punishment in the town that year.
And he got his electric chair.
He was a big fellow though he was only thirteen,
Tall ‘n strong, damn it, tall ‘n strong more than enough for his age.
Every school-child knew him and preferred to stay away.
Girls hated him
And the boys, who were brave enough, got a kick in their teeth.
Because that guy of thirteen
was a young criminal.
2st verse
Hey! Fellow, what do you do?!
He has nothing for you!
He’s fat ‘n blind and he is too kind
to kick your ass.
Stop bring him to the stress!
And give back that crying girl her shoes ‘n dress.
You’re an evil pest.
All your deeds are mess.
Is it a fun when a cripple falls down?
3d verse
Hey, you, bastard! Stop your crime!
Soon it will be late so you’re wasting your time
The time you could spend on
learning at school
The time you could get good friends.
Don’t be a fool!
Better look around and see
what you have done.
Your dad is dead ‘n your mum has gone.
Everyone wants that
you to die.
Wake up your
conscience, guy.
Ask God for a
Piece of mind.
Or you’ll be
left behind.
4d verse
There's no sense to do anything that can help him
He's degenerating. He can hear neither his teachers at school,
nor his old granny at home.
Alcohol and drugs are the main priority of his ugly life.
Abuse and jibe over all weak people,
No respect and no compassion to anyone...
5th verse
Look people all around!
Who’s guilty in such down
of young society
‘n its brutality?
Who’ll stop the violence?
Who’ll stop the terrorism?
Who’ll save the human-race?
Ain’t our children will?