6 лет

10 Where is the Hell

25 36%
Краткое описание
философская композиция на тему библейского ада
Краткое описание
философская композиция на тему библейского ада
Над треком работали
Dmitry Zubritsky, Акоп Огмрцян, Карен Степанян, Татьяна Солоп, Андрей Степанов, Николай Филиппов
Автор музыки
Dmitry Zubritsky
Автор текста
Dmitry Zubritsky & Акоп Огмрцян
герой песни задаётся вопросом "Где же ад?" Попутно вступая в спор с церковью, которая утверждает, что рок-музыка - это музыка из ада.
История создания
знаменитое видео "малиновый звон" во истину вдохновляет на создание подобных песен;))
cab [22]
I’ve got a plane. I like to fly
Dancing boogie in the sky.
I saw the sun and other stars
But couldn’t find the Paradise.
The stars are hot and space is cold.
They don’t seem like a health resort.
A perfect place to burn alive or get internal frozen life…
So, where’s the hell?
In space?
On stars?
In heads?
In hearts?
Where’s the hell?
I had a woman in my soul.
At first, it seemed like pure love.
I felt two wings behind my back
But didn’t see that on my neck
There was a demon in the flesh.
It turned my being into trash.
I thought I was in Paradise
Until the Gates of Hell arised.
So, where’s the hell?
In love?
In hate?
In heart?
In fate?
Where’s the hell?
So, where’s the hell?

We bring the clergy to the rage
Cause we are playing on the stage.
We’ve got a gun to shoot’em down.
The shell for our gun is sound.
They use the gods to get you all
But there’s a wall of Rock’N’Roll.
They don’t want lose their flock at all
And try to blacken our souls.
So, where’s the hell?
In rock?
In roll?
In sound?
In soul?
May be in church?
We’ve got a gun to shoot’em all down.
We’ve got a gun to shoot’em all down.
We’ve got a gun to shoot’em all down.
We’ve got a gun to shoot’em all down
We’ll shoot it loud. We play it loud.
We’ll shoot it loud. We play it loud.
Shoot loud! Play loud!
Shoot loud! Play loud!
Who are they to know that?
Who are they to know that?
Who are they to know that?
Who are they to know?!

We all are the sinners! And we’ll be burning in Hell…
And there’s only one way out and only one redemption.
You know, greed is a great sin, so… bring me some money.
The God says that’s ok and you shouldn’t worry about that –
you’ll be saved.

Hey, God, what do you think about this party?
Is it hell or paradise here?
Cause we are all happy
We aren’t suffering here
We aren’t doing anything bad
So, join us!
Let’s have a good time together
For all life long