16 лет

The Atomic Cure

Над треком работали
Алексей Михеев
We all God’s people are ill,
We all God’s people are sick.
We need a cure to be free,
To let us normally think!
The illness – money it is.
The never ending nightmare!
Try something else to be pleased,
Just use atomic warfare!
От язвы что нас спасёт?
Гангрену вырезать чем?
Ты атомарным мечом
Отрежь больной тела член.
The chain reaction will clean
Your filthy blood for all time!
Since then you’ll never be mean,
Atomic cures any crime…
And now your soul’s filled with fear,
To ask forgiveness you’ve tried.
You hear your death’s drawing near–
“Atomic cure”’s your last cry.