16 лет

Masturbation is My Choice

36 53%
Песня о неразрешимой проблеме скачивания порнухи из просторов интернета и как последствие - хаос пост-ананистического мира и повальное разбазаривание семени...
promo 2008
Real Shit Records
Masturbation is My Choice

Internet will bring me porn
Hot amazing teens hardcore
Sucking, licking and blowjob
I can all this download
If this bitch like cow is like
I can choose another site
If she doesn't want to suck
Than I chose and pay and sign
Suck his fucking dick
Or I wouldn't pay no more
Fast vagina lick
I don't want to wait no more
All this world is mine
Millions of free porn sites
All this world is mine
I will click and wath (???) and die
Sleep and see amazing tits
Monsters dick, anal deep kick
Have no rest, I hear strange voice
Masturbation is my choice!!!