15 лет


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Над треком работали
Homo Zombiens 2007
Sole system
Pain Deserting Us
But Still We Remain in this Fading Garden.
It’s time to Disappear the Pain
As the Cold Breath of Time will Show Me the Way.
There’s No Reason to Stay
But it is so Deep and Dark and We Remain.
Why are You Going There – You are “There”
We’ll Go To You
But Now We Remains in this Fading Garden.
Do You Know why we stay in this Cold Place?

Did you see the current of time
Sweeping away with everything,
Changing the contours, forms, and emptiness.
Take one gazed stare into mirror emptiness,
Take one step to a past moment.

All Kings and rules are just grains of dust
The World is only the cloud in the skies
The black and white are just the same
And all my words like the autumn air

The white snowflake falling on the black ground
Falling from and melting away
The sun is set the melted to be harden
And cold fluff falling again and again

The sand’s falling inside hourglass
The bird singing on spring tree
The grains too small, the song is long
The small stone balls are falling in turn

The dust are whirling into the sunray
But suddenly cloud hides the sun
The rains are falling, the lightnings are flashing
And wind from nowhere blows dust away.