14 лет

If you do love this girl

244 54%
Басы драммашиновские, ритмуха писалась сразу с ней в тот же трек из соображений использовать драммашиновское сведение. Потом накладывались два вокальных трека из которых нарезался один, потом тоже самое с гармошкой, потом соло-гитара.
If you do love this girl
You gotta let her to go away
You know she loves another man
You'd better let her to go away
She would be quite unhappy staying with you
Has she really loved you? May be a few
There will come another day
Or I have nothing to say!

If you do love this girl
Try to satisfy her desire
She said she loves another man
There is no smoke but a fire
Still you taking wisdom from the bookshelf?
Do you really love her? No, only yourself!
I see you act like a vampire
What do you want to inspire?

If you do love this girl
Man, you'd better leave her alone
She started to love another man
That means that something gone wrong
Actually you see that she's loving no more
In fact you'll be her friend if you would close the door
I want you try to be strong
This is the end of the song!