14 лет

Danse Macabre

153 48%
Над треком работали
Lestat de Llamorte & MarieLaReine
Полу-инструментальная композиция по мотивам повести Dancing with the Dead by Lestat de Llamorte
Teatro Drama dell'Arte
- So many questions, that I wish to ask…
- So many answers, that I do not tell…
- What is in death that makes you dance all night?
- The same as life, whatever is the swell…
- Why don’t they see you?
- They are all confused…
- Why are they, tell me?
- They are all got used…
- Why don’t you help them?
- It’s the wrong way round, laying the living down to the ground…

- What is the sunset from the dead man’s eyes?
- The same as sunrise from the lovers’ lies…
- What is the moon?
- The lantern, switch it off – and there will be no light show above…

- Why can’t they dance like you?
- They know the moves… apparently they hear different tunes…
- Why don’t you teach me how?
- It’s the wrong way round, laying the living down to the ground…

- But I can see you, wait for even when
- I can admire your delightful realm!
Teach me to dance like dancing are the dead!
- Say, do I look like managing ballet?
- Then, if I kill myself, you won’t deny!
- So many ifs… of course, you may just try…