12 лет

Именной алмаз В.В.Готовцев (eng., рус.)

Wisdom Raven Sakha
From rivers Daaldyn - Marha
Where Pirops like steady blood
Of geologist passing hard...

Where Reindeer Moss
Confluents with Kimberlit...
Where Wolf-Berry turns
To werewolves if you once eat...
Where grass-rainbow from Barley...
Where Rose-Bay guards our alleys...
You are that spirit of late shamans
That stands on end hair of a one!
You are their sacramental tambourine
That attacks envy like submarine,
You are best friend of Silver Hoof
Which makes our jewels, don't need to proof!


Якутский мудрый ворон
И духи ушедших шаманов,
Бубен отгоняющий злых сущностей,
Хранящийся в уединённой местности,
И пиропы как кровь застывшая на земле
От ран стоп геолога,
Идущего трудной дорогою...