
Behind the mask

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To discover a living being
Just behind the indifferent mask,
You will have to remove make-up,
Bare-faced climb up the scene.

You will need to peel off the things
You were taught when you were a kid,
When you learnt how to hide your face
And become half-alive indeed…

To be nice and to carry a smile
On your face…and to search for wealth,
And amid “happy person” style
Loose your natural inner self…

I was taught just the same, if you ask…
And since then changed a dozen of roles.
I have tried on so many masks
That I’m scared to get rid of those…

In attempts to come back again
To myself, to my divine being
I sometimes feel so close to death…
And so close to the secrets of living…

(Ноябрь, 2007)