10 лет

Siberian Rocky

102 33%
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Песня "Сибирский Рокки" посвящена мансийскому боксеру Руслану Проводникову
Краткое описание
Песня "Сибирский Рокки" посвящена мансийскому боксеру Руслану Проводникову
Над треком работали
Владимир Ананьев, Юван Зайцев, Сергей Голубенко, Диана Тимощенко, Сергей Кашин, Эдуард Смоленский
Дорога шамана
Студия Смоленского
He was born in Mansi Taiga
In a small Siberian town.
He always struggled with the guys
And none could beat him down.

Father said to him one day:
"If you like to fight,
Go to a boxing school
And learn how to do it right".

Siberian Rocky, never get away!
Siberian Rocky, hey, hey, hey!
Siberian Rocky, don't give up!
Siberian Rocky, never stop!

Years have passed and over the ocean
Then he took a trip
To fight the strongest boxers.
And win the championship.

See the Mansi Warrior
Entering the ring.
His name's Siberian Rocky
And he comes to win.

Siberian Rocky, never get away!
Siberian Rocky, hey, hey, hey!
Siberian Rocky, don't give up!
Siberian Rocky, never stop!

Siberian Rocky, never get away!
Siberian Rocky, hey, hey, hey!
Siberian Rocky, don't give up!
Siberian Rocky, never stop!