12 лет

The Hitcher (Попутчик)

70 33%
Над треком работали
Sadira (Ирина Машинистова)
Под впечатлением фильма "Попутчик" 1986 года написала эту композицию.
История создания
4 бессонные ночи и трек записан.
Домашняя студия
John Ryder
Keep driving!
That's what the other guy said.
That guy back there, the one we just passed.
The guy who picked me up before you did.
Because I cut off his legs...
and his arms...
and his Head.
And I'm going to do the same to you.
You wanna know what happens to an eyeball when it gets punctured?
Do you got any idea how much blood jets out of a guy's neck when his throat's been slit?
I want you to stop me
Say 4 words
Repeat after me
I want to die