12 лет

13 - Endeavor

Slip by several mo
When you flash back tonight
Shaking to and fro
Trying make it delight

Slowly rising you BO
After long day of fight
Sworn political foe
Is away and outside

(Naive) endeavor
Young forever

Slip by several mo
Then you flash back tonight

now and never.........

Shaking to and fro
Trying make it delight

Be clever......

Slowly rising you BO
After long day of fight


Sworn political foe
Is away and outside


Go to glory
Im so sorry
Its not adventure story

Send to glory
mement' mori
oh Neither leading story

Go to glory
Im so sorry
Its not adventure story

Send to glory
memento mori
oh Neither leading story

Slip by several mo
When you flash back tonight
Shaking to and fro
Trying make it delight

Slowly rising you BO
After long day of fight
Sworn political foe
Is away and outside

(Naive) endeavor
Young forever

Slip by several mo
Then you flash back tonight

now and never.........

Shaking to and fro
Trying make it delight

Be clever......

Slowly rising you BO
After long day of fight


Sworn political foe
Is away and outside


Go to glory
Im so sorry
Its not adventure story

Send to glory
mement' mori
oh Neither leading story

Go to glory
Im so sorry
Its not adventure story

Send to glory
memento mori
oh Neither leading story