Alexios Schandermani
О себе:
Alexios Schandermani is an Iranian German singer-songwriter. Albums: "Goodbye Tehran", 2010. "Greece", 2011. "Hello New York", 2013. "Persian Gypsy", 2018. Singles: "I’m 60", "Turquoise Glow", 2015. "St. Elisabeth", "I Lost My Child", "Mother's Heart", 2018. "Oriental Rock", 2019. "Mission in Chechnya", "Malika Sabirova", "Little Bird Azadeh", "Come Waltz for Peace", 2020. “Iranian Waltz”, “Grieving Mother”, "Taste of Iran", "Falling in Love", "Sailing Into Troubled Future", "The Persian's Prophecy", "Leila", "Goodbye 007", "Sharabestan", "Despair", "Panjshir", “Rebellion”, “I’m Going to Dubai”, “Sea Gate”, 2021. "Classics-inspired Jazz", "Banovan vs. Taliban", "A Persian goes to Moscow", "Привет Интердом", "Dehghanan the Heroes of Isfahan", "Сестричка Зульфия", "War Mom", "Bro", 2022. "An Island of Salvation", "Brave Women", "Peace Wins the War", "Seedtime", "Fanoos", "I'm 70", 2023. "Wedding in Tashkent", "Destroy AI", "Persian Girl", "Help the Children", 2024.
51 год

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